Extra-Curricular: Music

There are many opportunities for pupils who wish to develop their musicianship beyond class music lessons, with three choirs, orchestra, recorder ensemble and a music theory club
freely on offer at lunchtimes and before school.

The choirs comprise the Junior Choir for Years 1-3, Senior Choir for Years 4-6 and a smaller, auditioned Chamber Choir for pupils in Year 5 and 6 who wish to develop their singing further and learn to sing a more challenging repertoire in 3 and 4 part harmony.

We have nine Visiting Music Teachers offering one-to-one tuition in a variety of instruments including Piano, Guitar, Singing, Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, French horn and Drums. For more information and details of cost of individual lessons, please click on the following link:

Individual Music Lessons Information 2024 2025

There are many opportunities for those learning an instrument to perform in class, assemblies and concerts. Visiting Music Teachers also occasionally host their own small informal concerts, which provide our beginners with a platform for their first performance and a chance for parents to meet their child’s individual music teacher. To assist pupils in taking up an instrument we offer a low-cost instrument hire scheme and once a term we host an examiner from the ABRSM so that music exams can be taken within school.

The Orchestra is open to any pupil who plays an orchestral instrument and has achieved a Grade 1 standard. We offer a Music Theory Club for those who want to consolidate their musical understanding alongside learning their instrument. The Recorder Ensemble is for Year 4-6 pupils who have enjoyed learning the recorder in Year 3 and would like to take this further and develop their ensemble playing.

We have a programme of performances running throughout the year which offers performance opportunities to instrumentalists and ensembles, with music concerts, our annual carol service and Year 6 leavers’ celebration as regular fixtures in our school calendar. In addition to these, there are often performance opportunities for the choirs, orchestra and soloists at external festivals and events.

For a video introduction to the Music Department from our Director of Music, please click on the link:

Music Department

For further information please contact Mrs. Gay, Director of Music musicadmin@stchristophersthehall.org.uk