Year 6

Posted: 20th January 2023

Year 6 had an amazing time at The Science Museum on Tuesday. The children’s new Science topic this term is Electricity and the children had the opportunity to experience a wonderful hands-on experience in the museum’s Wonderlab. 

Exploring the many practical activities, the children got to create working electrical systems by exploring the circuit boards and trying to solve the challenges at each station. They had hair raising experiences, controlling the flow of static electricity within a glass vacuum. The key highlight was watching the instructor-led session in which they saw the immense power of the huge Tesla Coil which shot electrons out across the contained space which remotely powered a range of appliances that were in close proximity. The 1,000,000 volts generated had the audience feeling shocked and electrified! 

Following lunch, we explored the main museum and looked at the vast array of models and exhibits that came about as a result of the discovery of electricity by Michael Farraday, including personal computers, spacecraft and modern aeroplanes. All in all, the children left with a buzz of excitement and jolt of interest for their future learning.

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Open Mornings

Our next open event:

Wednesday 19th March 10:30-12:00

Please book in for one of our Open Mornings. There will be a talk from the Head, a tour by current pupils and a chance to chat over coffee with governors, staff and other parents.

Find out more


Preschool Stay and Play afternoon:

Friday 14th February –  (1.30pm – 2.30pm),

Thursday 27th March – (1.30pm – 2.30pm).


The Reception Assessment (4+)

Date for your diary: Friday 21st March


7+ Assessment

Date for your diary: Monday 24th March


We are now taking applications for places in our Reception classes and Year 3 classes for September 2025.

If you are interested in your child attending any of these events, or require further details, please contact the Registrar, Mrs. Janet Jeffery via or call on 0208 650 2200.