Senior School Destinations & Results

At St Christopher’s The Hall, we pride ourselves in ensuring that children are confident and thoroughly prepared for their transition to grammar, day and state schools in our locality and beyond. As a school we have strong, well established links with destination senior schools and proactively support parents through the entire process so they can make informed decisions about what school is the best fit for their child.

High quality teaching and learning prepares the children, over seven academic years, to be thoroughly equipped for the various 11+ assessments for all schools, with the formal exam preparation process commencing in Year 5.

St Christopher’s the Hall is trusted by senior schools in preparing the children to be independent, adaptable to change and resilient as they make the exciting move onto the next phase of their education.

We are extremely proud of all of our pupils who gain places at exceptional schools in London and beyond. We work in partnership with parents so that they are able to apply to senior schools that suit the personality of their child, and we do not believe that any one school is better than another. We simply believe in the best school for each individual child.

Senior school destinations will vary year on year depending on each cohort but year-on-year results, alongside the general trends for the last 3 years can be viewed below: