School Uniform

The Uniform Shop is managed by Mrs Macpherson and is located on site above SCAMPS in the stable block.

The opening hours for the uniform shop are as follows:


3.15pm – 4.15pm


8.30am – 9.30am


8.30 am – 9.30am

Please note that earrings are not permitted to be worn in school.

Ordering by email

If you’re unable to visit the shop, please email your order, with your child’s full name, class, age and/or size to:

As soon as your order is ready, it will be sent to your child’s class, with a copy of your invoice for reference.

We operate a cashless system for new uniform; all purchases will be invoiced and added to your termly bill.

Moving up to Prep in September?

Now’s the time to get organised! Please take a look at the uniform list on the right and send your order to the email address above to avoid a last minute panic.

Dance Uniform is available directly via Mrs Benson via the following link for the dance clubs as detailed below –

  • Dance and Musical Production
  • Tap
  • Ballet

Uniforms can be also be purchased from supermarkets.