Wrap Around Care

SCAMPS (The St. Christopher’s Afternoon and Morning Play Scheme) has a dedicated space for its wraparound care provision on the bottom floor of the Old Stable Block, adjacent to the main school building, and aims to provide a ‘home from home’ atmosphere for the children.

Breakfast club operates from 7.30 am until the start of the school day when children are taken to the playground to join the other children.

Breakfast is served between 7.30 and 8 am. The breakfast usually includes toast with spreads, cereal options, fruit and yoghurt. The cost is £5 per day, including optional breakfast.

After-School Club runs from the end of the school day until 5.30 pm with an optional afternoon tea. Children can play quietly with Lego etc. or participate in a variety of activities such as board games, gardening and simple arts and crafts, and relax and enjoy some free time at the end of the school day. Outside activities will also take place when the weather permits.

Days booked in advance at the beginning of each half term will be charged at a maximum of £17 for Pre Prep and £15 for Prep School children per day. Bookings can be made via scamps@stchristophersthehall.org.uk or through the School Office. Please give your child’s name and class and the sessions you require (e.g. Susan Smith 2G every Tuesday).

Ad hoc sessions will be charged at £5 per half hour or part thereof.

There will continue to be a late collection charge (Late Fee) if children are not collected by 5.30 pm. This will be £20 per 15 minutes or part thereof.

Open Mornings

Our next open event:

Tuesday 24th September 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 16th October 10:30-12:00

Tuesday 12th November 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 27th November 10:30-12:00

Please book in for one of our Open Mornings. There will be a talk from the Head, a tour by current pupils and a chance to chat over coffee with governors, staff and other parents.

Find out more

The Reception and 7+ Assessment

We are now taking applications for places in our Reception classes and Year 3 classes for September 2025,

For further details please contact our Admissions Registrar via admissions@stchristophersthehall