STEM workshop: Dr Badiger Human Body workshop

Posted: 9th May 2023

On Thursday 27th April, Dr Badiger (Anaiya’s mother (Yr2)) kindly delivered STEM workshops for the children in Years 4, 5 and 6.

Dr Badiger delivered three amazing workshops to the children to further their learning about the human body and the importance of medicines and patient care. She spoke about her role as an anaesthetist and the many aspects of STEM which are important in her job.  We learnt about the history and evolution of modern day care during operations and the importance that anaesthetists have during surgical procedures in hospitals.

The children were able to ask questions and further their knowledge about operations and surgery, sharing some interesting stories and anecdotes about their own experiences of hospital stays and operations.

The sessions ended with the children getting first hand experience of actual surgical equipment and teaching apparatus that Dr Badiger uses within her own role. Pupils understood how to take blood pressure and blood oxygen readings, safely deliver practice anaesthetics, use stethoscopes, measure their heart beat rates and calculate dosages according to age, gender and size.

We are very appreciative of Dr Badiger’s time and work she kindly gave with preparing and delivering her workshops, that the children thoroughly enjoyed. I think we may have some budding anaesthetists in our midst as a result of her work!




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