The House System at St. Christopher’s
In the Summer of 1996 the then Headmaster (Mr. Attwood-Bloomfield) decided that it would be a good idea to resurrect the House System at St. Christopher’s. Two Houses (Campbell and Johnson) already existed, but had lapsed, and two more were created (Blyton and Hillary) to fulfil the needs of the growing school.
In September 1996 the 4 Houses officially started and all still exist, with about 65 members each, under the Leadership of Mrs. Craig (Johnson), Mrs. Sloper (Campbell), Miss Arnott (Blyton) and Miss Johns (Hillary).
The purpose of the Houses is for pupils and staff to share a sense of belonging, and to offer pastoral care to the members. All staff, except for the PE department, Head, Deputy Heads and office staff, are assigned to Houses and attend meetings with the pupils, where their timetable allows them to. Support is given by House members at sporting events such as Sports Day, Swimming Gala and House Football, Netball, Rugby, Cricket and Rounders.
Each House has a House Captain, and Sports Captains for Girls’ Games and Boys’ Games – all elected by its members. In the Summer Term, the year 5 pupils write their manifesto, which they deliver at a House Meeting, and the voting follows. It is a great honour to be selected, and over the years all our Captains have worked hard, and shown their House Members that they were a wise choice.
All pupils receive House points for good work, acts of kindness, achievements, manners etc.