Year 3 Residential

Posted: 13th May 2022

Last week, our Year 3 went to their residential at Frylands Wood Scout Outdoor Centre, in Croydon. This is what our Year 3 had to say about the experience:

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Year 3 Residential Trip to Frylands

Last week, I went to Frylands Wood Scout centre. It was the best place I have ever been to because it had things like pizza making, campfires and rock climbing. Once I got there, I did rock climbing. I almost reached the top and hit the buzzer. Secondly, I did an assault course. My friends Thomas and I did the monkey bars, and honestly, they were really hard! Pizza making was my favourite because it was interesting and now I know how to make a pizza. Elliot V 3MR

Fryalnds was extraordinary! I did rock climbing, archery, an assault course, bouncy castles, den building, campfires, and fire lighting. I got to sleep with all my friends and it was the best. Rock climbing was my favourite. I even got to the top twice! If it got any better I would be surprised. After that, we did the assault course which was brilliant fun.
Thomas 3MR

The assault course was tricky, but when I did it a few times I got the hang of it. My favourite activity was the bouncy castles as there were two and we called one the water hotel and the other the grand hotel. I also did rock climbing which was hard to get to the top and I didn’t get there. It was exciting to sleep with all the people I wanted. I made pizza and I’m glad I did because I was starving! Ella 3MR

My favourite activity was rock climbing and it was my first time rock climbing. I felt scared at first but I climbed all the way to the top of the tower and I felt very proud of myself. Melek 3MR

One week ago, I had the best two days of my life because we went to a place called Frylands and it was my first overnight trip! It was amazing! We did so many activities like jump on the bouncy castle, rock climbing, an assault course, a campfire and fire lighting. My favourite activity was the assault course because I got to hang on to the bars like a monkey. (Max 3P)

Last week, I was chilling at Frylands with my friends. We all did some activities. I was so nervous but excited at the same time! The first activity for my group was rock climbing. You got attached to a rope just so if you slip you’ll come down safely. You also get attached to a harness because if you don’t wear it you won’t be safe. I nearly reached the top to press the buzzer but I got scared so I came down. I sort of got over my fear! After that, we did the assault course. My favourite part was the giant slide because it went so fast! I screamed each time!
(Zoe 3P)

A week ago, I went to Frylands Wood scout centre and this was to be my best school trip ever. When I did den building, me and Zoe made a big one but we could only use sticks and leaves to build it so it was challenging. It was great because it helped me let my imagination go wild! Before I went to bed, we went to a camp fire and we sang songs and roasted marshmallows. They were so yummy! (Trinity 3P)

Rock climbing was one of my favourite activities because when you get scared or you want to go down, you can and you won’t fall. I also loved the archery because I had never done it before and I got a bullseye! At Frylands, I felt so alive because I was having so much fun! (Siddharth 3P)

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