Science Week

Posted: 24th March 2023

Years 5 and 6’s focus – as part of this week’s STEM celebration of Connections – was to look at Parachutes. This culminated in some daring science experiments, amazing pieces of art and some very impressive needlework worthy of Paris Fashion Week; to name but a few of the excellent outcomes from this week.
The children had many opportunities to create their own parachute designs and models which they tested. They explored the various variables that could affect a parachute’s descent and derived suitable features that a successful device would have to ensure safe landing. The children looked at the history of parachutes from its humble beginnings in China, to the interesting designs of Leonardo Da Vinci, to modern day parachutes which have helped daredevils, like Felix Baumgartner, break world records.
The children created beautiful examples of art work thinking about colour swatches and the impact of silhouettes on a sunset background. Intricate and carefully constructed mini-parachutes were made by sewing various materials and designs together by hand. The children also discussed and wrote excellent persuasive arguments and descriptions of what a first time parachute jump would feel like.
On Friday, after a week of testing hypotheses, carefully calculating surface areas and masses, and constructing models, the children carried out a final practical test of what they had learnt with wonderful parachutes they had made in groups. The children were challenged with the task of trying to safely land an egg from heights of 10 and 20 metres. Although not all eggs made it down successfully, we are pleased that a couple of parachutes achieved their goal and a few eggs are now safely living an egg-cellent retirement with some of the children!
Bella, 6C – “Can Science Week carry on next week? It has been so much fun and I have really enjoyed working with children from other classes and year groups
Thaddeus, 5R – “I really liked making the parachute models and getting to test them. Our first one wasn’t that good, but we learnt how to make it better and make improvements. It has been so much FUN!


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